Counterclockwise: base storage grows, but the card slot remains popular - news

Counterclockwise: low storage grows, but the card aperture remains popular

A though back, we walked absolute memory lane to revise storage milestones on movable phones. That article centered only on the stand-out devices, today we’re pregnancy to take a broader look.
We will face at the base tankage for all phones added to our database afterwards 2005. We’re only be counting phones with 4GB or greater as anything less is basically the same with our current point of view.
Last time, we highlighted the Nokia N91, which was the primeval phone to deliver 8GB of tankage
(with a micro HDD). However its base conversion had only 4GB – that’s the metric we’re tracking today, the least storage a phone comes with.

Large storing on mobiles didn’t receive off until 2010 while it was a clearly even split between 4GB, 8GB and 16GB. No surprise now, it was mostly flagships that boasted large content memory as flash was still expensive.
Then you see 4GB peak in 2014 (we were startled that it was this recent). We have a second delineate, which shows the scale of phones with and without a card slot. Around 2013/2014 was moreover when the card opportunity hit peak popularity.
Makers expected you to stipulate most of the warehousing you use, but whereas things shifted. Once they realized people will tatt up $100 more for extra tankage
, the microSD slot became surprisingly rare among chief phones. Still, as you can see 90% of phones this day still have expandable storage.

Anyway, in 2015 phones plus 8GB of storage had their day in the sun and promptly missing the top spot to 16GB handsets the following year. Again, this is the corrupt storage not counting pricier options.
2017 is complicated – it’s almost a three-way tie between 16GB, 32GB and 64GB as the shortest storage built into ring (the difference is during 10 models). You belike still need a reminiscence card on the low end, but many nation can fit their storing needs within 64GB.
The 16GB section has been shrinking always since 2016 and we think this trend will continue. Meanwhile, the 64GB phones experience become more numerous – that’s a trend we’d like to see continue.
PS. You can’t in fact see it in the chart, but there are actually phones that come with 256GB as base storage – but they are premium halo phones like the Huawei Mate Porsche Design, low-volume, high-price phones that are chiefly for bragging rights.

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