Stargazers, Rejoice! Super Blue Blood Moon Illuminates Bay Area Sky - NBC Bay Area

For the primitive time in about 150 donkey’s years, the moon treated Bay Area stargazers to quite the rare and celestial show.
A blue moon, supermoon and total orbed eclipse, all bundled together as one, illuminated the pre-dawn sky for roughly three hours Wednesday morning.

Rare Super Blue Blood Moon Delights Bay Area Stargazers

The phenomenon understood as a super blue kinship moon hasn't happened since 1982, and it's the first time since 1866 that people in the United States have oh really been able to catch a glimpse of the lunar trifecta. The next super blue consanguinity moon won't happen again Time 2037.
A blue moon is the second full moon in a month. A supermoon is a particularly close full or new moon, appearing somewhat brighter and bigger. A total orbed eclipse — or blood moon for its reddish tinge — has the moon completely bathed in Earth's shadow.

The Blue Blood Supermoon: What To Know

The eclipse was visible best in the southwesterly
half of the U.S. and Canada before the moon set Wednesday morning. The total lunary eclipse started to take lunary at 3:48 a.m. before the full eclipse kicked in interval 4:51 a.m. and 6:07 a.m. The partial eclipse came to an end at 7:11 a.m.
Aside from simply stepping out of one's home, finding the nearest rooftop or climbing to the nearest hilltop, people obliquely the Bay Area were allowed to visit a few locations that opened early to register the rare display.

Super Blue Blood Moon Lights Up Bay Area Sky

Chabot Space and Science Center in Oakland opened up its observatory deck at 3 a.m. for viewing. Those interested in attending were encouraged to minister a pair of binoculars, warm clothes and a blanket or two.
Right down the hill, another viewing party took situation at the USS Hornet Sea, Air and Space Museum stationed in Alameda. Visitors 6 yonks old and above were allowed to spend the night across the ship and wake up hours later to take in the lunar trifecta.

Tracking the Lunar Trifecta From the South Bay

Folks near Los Altos Hills paid a visit to Foothill College Observatory where a viewing enterprise
was scheduled between 4 a.m. to 6 a.m.
The Stanford University Astronomical Society hosted a viewing from Lake Lagunita by the bonfire pit with hot beverages and snacks from 5 a.m. to 6 a.m.
For those who couldn't make it superficial or find a clear viewing area, NASA provided a live stream of the moon from telescopes in California and Arizona.

The Associated Press contributed to this report.

Photo credit: NBC Bay Area

Photo credit: NBC Bay Area

Photo credit: NBC Bay Area

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