Russian gamers race to prevent nuclear 'war' - CNN

Russian gamers race to prevent nuclear 'war'

Story highlights

Latest craze in Moscow is war Olympic in which players content to find nuclear codes
Russian officials are playing on fears, staging a mass nuclear drill

(CNN)"Attention! Attention!" blares the Russian judgment from a loudspeaker. "The nuclear bombs will be launched in one hour."
Inside a room styled as a Soviet-era nuclear bunker, a couple of Russians content to prevent a catastrophic strike on the United States.
Their quest -- the end craze in Moscow -- is to find the nuclear plunge codes and deactivate a hidden red button, what has already been drafted by a mad Russian general.
It's amount fantasy; just an interactive game hosted in a building in a previous industrial area of the city, harking back to the fears of the Cold War.
But amongst the current tensions plus Russia, in which virtual nuclear confrontation with the West has again been raised, it feels a little unsettling.

"I'm fretted because there is extremely stupid information from equally sides," said Maxim Motin, a Russian who has just consummate the Red Button Quest game.
"I share that normal people all over the world don't want any war," he added.

A nation afoot for conflict

But Russian officials have been preparing the nation for the chance of conflict, stoking deep-rooted concerns about a draw with the West, Russia's old Cold War rival.
Russian television has been broadcast media a mass training task, involving up to 40 million leod across the country. It is designed to prepare responses, the government says, for a chemical or nuclear attack.
The video shows emergency workers with defensive suits and gas masks leading the civil vindication rehearsal, the biggest of its naturalness since the collapse of the Soviet Union. It suggests the Kremlin wants Russians to take the threat of war true seriously.
Of style, all-out conflict between Russia and the West fossil highly unlikely.
Analysts say the principle of Mutually Assured Destruction -- or MAD -- gentle holds as a prohibitory, just as it did during the Cold War.
But with tensions growing over Syria, Ukraine, and the Baltic states, analysts say a inconsiderable risk of contact, error and escalation between the nuclear superpowers has become very real.
"I don't wait nuclear war is likely," says Fyodor Lukyanov, conductor of Russia in Global Affairs, a prominent remote policy journal.
"But whereas two nuclear superpowers are operating besides their military machines in the similar area, very close to each alternate and they don't meet proper coordination, any unintended thing can happen," he told CNN.
It is a risk the Kremlin seems keen to play up, with quality television upping its hardline rhetoric in recent weeks.
In its primary current affairs show, Russia's top state news anchoret, Dmitry Kiselyev -- dubbed the Kremlin's propagandist-in-chief by critics -- recently issued a stark warning of global war if Russian and US forces opposition in Syria.
"Brutish behavior towards Russia could have nuclear dimensions," he declared.
The Russian prohibition ministry has also released details of the last intercontinental ballistic missile scent added to its nuclear arsenal.
The Spirit 2, as it's assumed, will be the world's most destructive weapon, guaranteeing Russia's place as a top nuclear power.
It is an revelator vision that adds a further marrow of realism to the fantasy expedition being acted out by gamers in Moscow.
"I enjoy that now in schools in Russia they bestow the children that our main foe is the US," said Alisa Sokoleva, another Moscow gamer.
"But it sounds droll to me and I'm totally firm that war is impossible," she adds.
Back in the fake Cold War bunker, the Russian gamers have cracked the launch codes and deactivated the arrow launch. The United States, it seems, has moreover been saved from this virtual Russian nuclear attack.
Hopefully, the kingly world will be spared such a confrontation too.

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