Rare 'super blue blood moon' arrives - BBC News

Rare 'super blue blood moon' arrives

A rare lunar event being name the "super blue blood Moon" has dazzled skywatchers around the world. Mehdi Amar took this picture in Madrid.

It happens when a sum lunar eclipse, a blood Moon and a supermoon coincide. Usha Venkat took this by the capitol building in Indiana.

The phenomenon has been seen around the world, including by Abdur Rahman Yassin, who took this photo in Singapore.

The Moon ought
appear about 7% larger and 15% brighter than usual. Some good timing helped Mehdi Amar take this photo in Madrid.

Here, the moon is seen behind a house of worship in Bangkok.

A blue moon occurs when a full moon happens twice in one month, and a supermoon occurs when the Moon is closest to the Earth.

It has been seen in the western hemisphere, such as here in New York, for the first time in more than 150 years. Beyond the US, it has been spotted in Asia, Australia, and Eastern Europe.

This close-up of the moon was taken in Jakarta, Indonesia.

This red glow is produced by the same terminated that gives us red sunsets. Sunlight is skimming through the Earth's atmosphere on its way to the Moon and it gets refracted or bent. The blue light is then filtered out, leaving the red existence visible.

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