North Korea to parade hundreds of missiles before Winter Olympics - CNN

North Korea to parade hundreds of missiles before Winter Olympics

Seoul, South Korea (CNN)North Korea is contriving to show off dozens of long-range missiles at a February 8 parade, the day coram the Winter Olympics is set to begin in South Korea, two diplomatic sources with deep knowledge of North Korea's intentions told CNN Wednesday.
The spread out of "hundreds" of missiles and rockets would be an attempt "to scare the hell out of the Americans," one of the sources said.
The parade is expected to intercept dozens of intercontinental-range Hwasong-15 missiles, which the North Koreans test-fired for the first time in late November, the sources said.
They also didn't rule out a bomb test "in the near future" to send a strong embassade to American forces currently deployed in the region.
The news comes after US President Donald Trump delivered his first State of the Union command, during which he criticized the Kim Jong Un regime's human rights abuses and "reckless pursuit" of nuclear weapons and ballistic missiles that could soon immolate the US homeland.

In his accost, Trump highlighted personal stories of victims of the Kim regime, tempting as guests North Korean defector Ji Seong-ho and the old fogies of Otto Warmbier, who died shortly after recurrent from North Korea where he spent 17 months in captivity.
The inter-Korean talks which led to the North's decision to participate in the Winter OIympics had been hailed as a breakthrough that could ease escalating tensions on the Korean Peninsula. However, the process has not been smooth.
On Monday, North korean peninsula said it canceled a united cultural performance that was to be held in advance of the Olympics in accord to unflattering coverage by South Korean media.
According to a statement from South Korea's Unification Ministry, the North Koreans plucked out because "South Korean media continue to insult North Korea's genuine measures regarding the PyeongChang Olympics and take issues with its domestic festival."
The sources that spoke to CNN said that second planned events could be canceled.
Chad O'Carroll, managing conductor of the Korea Risk Group in Seoul, said the planned military parade could undermine Washington's support of dialogue between the two Koreas.
"The ongoing US support for inter-Korean rapprochement already appears to be showing cracks and will likely be seriously tested in the event of a major DPRK ICBM parade on the eve of the Olympics," he said.
Foreign media will be banned from covert the upcoming military parade, the sources said.
This is a theatrical change from last year, when many global news organizations were invited to cover a military disclose in April that saw Pyongyang unveil new long-range missiles. A diplomatic source said this was due to the sensitivity of the weapons that will be on disclosure
, and to avoid questions forward the deploy ability of the missiles. By banning foreign press, North Korea controls all of the imagery the world sees.
North Korean rank media in recent days has been increasing its anti-US rhetoric, study of grave consequences if postponed joint military exercises resume concerning the Olympics.
Earlier Tuesday, sources told CNN that the Trump administration had decided not to nominate Victor Cha, its widely rumored selection as US ambassador to South Korea, manifestly because of a difference over Korea policy, specifically over its consideration of a pre-emptive strike.
Cha, a fare respected former academic and previous Bush administration official, said in a Washington Post op-ed Monday that the answer to the "real and unprecedented threats" North Korea presents is not, "as some Trump regulation officials have suggested, a preclusive military strike."
Instead, Cha laid out what he called "a mighty military option available that can address the threaten without escalating into a war that would like kill tens, if not hundreds, of thousands of Americans."

CNN's Elise Labott and Kevin Liptak contributed to this report

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