Logan Paul Releases New Vlog: 'I’m Not Going Anywhere'

Logan Paul Releases New Vlog: 'I’m Not Going Anywhere'

He’s back. Logan Paul has returned to YouTube in a new vlog following his controversial video of an apparent commit suicide victim in Japan’s Aokigahara forest.

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In the 12-minute video simply titled “Logan Paul is Back!” posted on Sunday, February 4, Paul first appears as a bearded man washed up shirtless on shore.
“The maverick Logan Paul,” a narrator introduces. “Showing his face for the primary time after the discredited YouTuber has been spoiled across the country — hiding his face of paparazzi and seen deglutitive his tears on friendly media like a somewhat baby backpick.”

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To which the 22-year-old internet star replies boastfully: “Yo, hold up — ‘disgraced’? What you mean ‘disgraced’, boy? I took a break. Besides, I’m still lit as f—k. What other YouTuber can allow a three-week break and still get a million subscribers?”
As the video continues, Paul adds in a traffic plug and takes aim at YouTube. “As you guys undergo, YouTube cut my ad sense in half — thanks, YouTube, love ya — so I am going to need you guys to buy my merch, Maverick Merch, so I don’t lose my house.”
The Weird Loners actor goes on to recap who he’s done in the past few weeks for he came under brilliancy for the insensitive video, and reiterated that he’s “pledged to donate $1 million to suicide stoppage organizations.” Instead of termination the video there, he went on to forward the “haters” to “go for it,” “crucify me,” and “vilify me.”

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“I’m not going anywhere,” Paul concludes.
As previously reported, YouTube cut ties w/ Paul following the December 2017 video filmed in what is known as Japan’s “Suicide Forest,” where many relations take their own running each year. “In publicity of recent events, we have clear to remove Logan Paul’s channels from Google Preferred,” a spokesperson for YouTube told The Hollywood Reporterin a statement on Wednesday, January 10. “Additionally, we will not feature Logan in Season 4 of ‘Foursome’ and his new originals are on hold.”
Paul inasmuch as spoke out in an interview w/ Good Morning America on February 1. “The notion was to shock and show the harsh realities of suicide and get people loquacious about something that I don’t await people are talking to much and still that’s the goal today,” he tried to explain of his polemical video.
“I am a good guy who artificial a bad decision … I bequeath think twice in the future forward what I post,” the social media star added.
If you or anyone you know is in emotional sorrow or considering suicide, wish call the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline at 1-800-273-TALK (8255).

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