Everything you need to know about the super blue blood moon | 6abc.com

Everything you need to know about the super blue kinship moon

ABC News will begin live streaming insurance of the Super Blue Blood Moon on Wednesday morning starting at 5:30 a.m. ET. Live reports from Southeast Asia, the Hawaiian islands and the southwesterly
U.S., as well as footage from NASA and the Virtual Telescope Project will give viewers a front-row seat to the action.

Tune in on ABCNews.com and on the ABC News app! Click here to submit your photos of the super blue blood moon.

A rare celestial prodigy is taking place, as a
super moon
, blue moon and total
lunary eclipse
take place at the same time.
Here's everything you need to know about 2018's super blue blood moon:
Only about half of the U.S. will get a glimpse of the full event
The issue will be "best enjoyed by people who are out in the West," Noah Petro, a scientist for the
NASA Goddard Space
Flight Center, told ABC News.
People in the Mountain time zone and westward, to Alaska, Hawaii and Guam and eastern Asia and Australia will have a "front row seat of the super blue blood moon," Petro said.
Timing will be of the being of those in the Central time zone. While they may get a peek of the lunar eclipse, once the sun rises and the moon sets, it will be too witty outside to detect the darken, New York City-based photographer Stan Honda told ABC News.
Those on the East Coast willn't be completely left out. They will have a full view of the super blue moon, which they should go out to see on Tuesday darkness, the night before the orbed eclipse, when it will photo the best, Gabriel Biderman, a professional nighttime photographer and father of photography group National Parks at Night.
Check when the moon is rising and coagulation in your home town
Biderman suggests that people find out exactly when the moon is rising and setting in their location to determine the lacking time to go out and see the lunar eclipse.
Those on the West Coast will need to get up at the crack of dawn to catch the super blue rake moon.
In San Francisco, for example, the partial eclipse will begin at 3:48 a.m. and go into total eclipse from 4:51 a.m. to 6:07 a.m., according to NASA.
The als east you go, the less you'll be able to see. In Chicago, the total cynthian eclipse begins at 6:51 a.m., and the maximum eclipse is visible at 6:56 a.m. The moon will then set at 7:03 a.m., and the cynthian eclipse will no longer be visible.
Expect a "stunning" event
When stargazers look to the western sky for the conclusion, they will first see the moon dimming as it passes into the Earth's shadow, Petro said.

The sky will then get dark, and the moon will transform into a "beautiful" red color once it is completely submerged in the earth's shadow, he said.
What is a super blue consanguinity moon?
The super blue consanguinity moon is simply the concurrence of three lunar events: A super moon, a blood moon and a blue moon, Petro said.
A blood moon is a term used to set forth a total lunar eclipse, whether is when the moon appears darkened as it passes through the Earth's shadow. The sum lunar eclipse is given the "blood" nickname because of the "beautiful" red color caused by the projection of all of the Earth's sunrises and sunsets onto its surface, Petro said. The next lunar eclipse apparent in the U.S. will be on Jan. 21, 2019, correspondingly
to NASA. It won't be a blue moon, but it will be a super moon.
A super moon is a full moon or new moon that coincides with the moon's position at its closest to the Earth. Wednesday's super moon will be the second-closest full moon of the year, hinder the one that occurred on Jan. 1, Petro said. It will also be part of a "trilogy" of recent ancestors moons, the first of who occurred on Dec. 3, harmonious to NASA.
A blue moon is merely a "quirk in the calendar," as the alternate full moon in a lunation, Petro said, adding that thither is "nothing really to see there."

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